St. Lucie Gardens Homeowners Association
Est. 1991
Visit for public safety messages from St. Lucie County Government
WQCS 88.9 FM - Your state-designated Emergency Alert System and Florida Public Radio Emergency Network station.
Emergency Shelters:
Morningside Elementary School - 2300 SE Gowin Dr, PSL
Floresta Elementary School - 1501 SE Floresta Dr, PSL
Food and Water
Have a 3 day supply of food. Canned and dry goods are recommended
Manual can opener
Disposable eating utensils
Bottled water - Sufficient supply for drinking and bathing for each member of household
Medicine / First Aid - Have 30 days worth of medical and First Aid supplies. Fill prescriptions before the storm.
Extra Batteries and Cell phone chargers
Gas - Fill your car or gas can beforehand.
Money - Have cash on hand! Without electricity, credit cards and ATMs will not work!
Evacuation - Leave Immediately when told to by local officials.
Prepare a "Safe Room":
Take refuge in a small interior room or closet.
Close all interior doors and secure exterior doors and windows
Keep curtains and blinds closed.
Notify out-of-area contacts of your whereabouts.